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The world's leading brand of creative confectionery

Amos阿麥斯品牌創立於1998年,為全球3D明 膠軟糖開創者。這些美味的軟糖具有充滿活力 的 3D 形狀,充滿水果風味,中心充滿真正的果 汁,使它們成為任何喜歡多汁水果味覺的人的 完美享受。 Amos阿麥斯致力於打造全球創意糖果領導品 牌,旗下創意糖果、節慶糖果、禮品糖果、益智 玩趣糖果產品等。

The Amos brand was founded in 1998 and is the global pioneer of 3D gelatin gummy candies. These delicious gummies feature vibrant 3D shapes and are full of Fruity, with centers filled with real juice, making them the perfect treat for anyone who loves the taste of juicy fruits. Amos is committed to building a global leading brand of creative candies, including creative candies, festive candies, gift candies, educational and fun candies, etc.

營養糖果專家⸺貝歐寶。 國內領先的營養糖果品牌,堅持「以嚴謹的科學態度,用愛均衡甜蜜與營養」的品牌價值觀,精選全球優質原料,以高端技術配方,讓消費者隨時隨地隨食加營養。

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Nutritional confectionery expert - Beopao. The leading nutritional candy brand in China adheres to thebrand value of "balancing sweetness and nutrition with love with a rigorous scientic attitude", selectshigh-quality raw materials from around the world, and uses high-end technological formulas to allowconsumers to add nutrition to their food anytime, anywhere.


歡迎來到 4D 軟糖塊,這是終極有趣且美味的拼搭方式!我們的可堆疊軟糖塊讓您可以創造自己的可食用結構和設計 - 唯一的限製是您的想象力。 4D 軟糖塊非常適合喜歡一起玩耍和吃零食的孩子和家庭,是一種人人都會喜歡的獨特的互動款待。

Welcome to 4D Gummy Blocks, the ultimate fun and delicious way to build! Our stackable gummy blocks let you create your own edible structures and designs - the only limit is your imagination. Perfect for kids and families who love to play and snack together, 4D Gummy Blocks are a unique and interactive treat that everyone will love.


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